When to Consider Clean Architecture: A Practical Guide
Navigating the Path to Clean Code in Real-world Scenarios
How to design and implement clean architecture more easily has been described in detail in my previous articles. If you are interested in the details, you can refer to the following series of articles.
Instead of deeply diving into how to design and implement a clean architecture, this article will answer a question that we often encounter.
When should I consider clean architecture?
The main reason for asking this question is we often don’t design code with a clean architecture mindset from the start, but rather decide at some point to do a refactoring and introduce clean architecture.
This is a natural process because we don’t always have the ability to figure out how to encapsulate the domain in the first place, and we don’t always have the time to have a complete design at the beginning.
So, when should we refactor? And how? These two questions will be the core of this article.